Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30


38 Park Avenue
Flemington, NJ, 08822


Clerk Information

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Borough Clerk

Phone: 908-782-8840
Fax: 908-782-0142

Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 4:30PM

Upcoming Mayor & Council Meetings

10 Feb
Mayor & Council Meeting
Date 02.10.2025 7:00 pm
24 Feb
Mayor & Council Meeting
02.24.2025 7:00 pm
10 Mar
Mayor & Council Meeting
03.10.2025 7:00 pm
24 Mar
Mayor & Council Meeting
03.24.2025 7:00 pm
14 Apr
Mayor & Council Meeting
04.14.2025 7:00 pm

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General Information

The Borough Clerk acts as the day-to-day administrative officer and chief election official of the Borough. The Clerk is a liaison between the governing body and taxpayers and often is a resident’s initial point of contact in municipal matters. The Clerk serves as the custodian of official records and as recording secretary to the governing body, keeping minutes of official meetings. The Clerk’s Office is also responsible for processing numerous municipal permits and licenses, including all marriage licenses. The Clerk also serves as the chief elections officer for the Borough, ensuring official tallies from Borough voting precincts are properly reported to the County Clerk.

We have notary publics in the office to accommodate your needs. There is no need to make an appointment, but you may want to confirm they are in the office by calling 908-782-8840.

Please read our Guide to Marriage Licenses

Appointments only, call 908-782-8840. You can download an application here. If you are coming in to apply for a marriage license, please make sure you bring a witness and your IDs with you. 

The application fee is $28, cash or check only.

For Marriage and Civil Union Ceremonies, it is important for you to have two separate witnesses. 

Registration is required for those seeking to become certified civil celebrants permitted to perform/solemnize non-denominational marriages and civil unions. To become a Certified Civil Celebrant click here. 

Please read our step-by-step guides to obtaining Marriage Record Certified Copy and a Birth or Death Record Certified Copy.

When applying for a certified copy of a birth certificate, marriage certificate or death certificate, you must be able to provide ID and proof that you are entitled to that information. Your digital drivers license will be satisfactory identification if you are requesting your personal information. 

To obtain a certified copy of a marriage license, birth certificate or death certificate, please download the forms which can be found here.

Thank you for your cooperation with this request. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 908-782-8840.

Why You Need To Check Your Location Before You Apply

The Flemington Post Office provides services to 5 different municipalities. So even if the mailing address says Flemington, is may be another town.  Examples include:

Please feel free to contact us at 908-782-8840 ext 222 to find out the correct municipality to request your Birth, Marriage, or Death records and license.